Friday, February 6, 2009


Number 2: (ahh the day when I stop numbering posts). This really isn't going to be a post of wonderful and intelligent words. Mostly pictures. So yall have something to look at (feel free to thank me later...or book me, which ever). HOWEVER, J gets to be my first photo ever for two reasons; He's my favorite ever, and today he turns three years old and the poor baby has the flu.

Ok, enough photo's for today, beginning to look like a total cheese. I got a new car wednesday! Volkswagen Passat. Way to keep this business oriented eh? Still exciting though.

Ok, no thats enough everything for today.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Numero Uno


Tiffany here. Post number one.

I have had this blog account for roughly six months and have finally decided that I am going to put it to good use. Boo on my part, but this is very new, so please bare with me.

I am an aspiring photographer from northern Michigan. The last year or so I have been taking courses through NYIP, and have decided to make the leap. Nothing huge, not off of a bridge, or anything destructive or harmful, but mostly to get my butt into gear and set a date. One year from now (mark my words) I hope to have earned and saved enough money to open my own studio, and make my camera my main source of income.

Today was a big day, believe it or not. I just invested in a new camera, and joined [B] school. Huge. Not exactly signing my life away, but still, putting money where my mouth is. That has got to count for something. After all, I have spent endless hours stalking wonderful photographers website's, and although this is nowhere near as interesting as theirs (yet) this will at least help me to track my progress in one way or another.

Enough babble.

Within the next few weeks (by few I mean six) I hope to get my website launched, my business cards in my hand, and two more weddings lined up. Cross your fingers and wish me luck (please and thank you). Also, within a more literal few weeks (two) I will have prices posted for prospective clients (yayyyyy), and enough photo's posted to give everyone an idea of what we're working with here. I could do it tonight, but this was exhausting enough for one night.

Feel free to email me at to tell me how ridiculous I am or to inquire (although, I would prefer the latter). Thank you, and goodnight.