Wednesday, September 16, 2009

second attempt

there we go.

great news.

I am beginning to feel as though things are coming together (knock on wood) for the first time in a long time. As of Monday, I begin a new job (as a pharmacy technician) at Walgreen's right here in Gaylord (fyi, the last year plus I have been driving an hour one way to work a nine hour day to Boyne Not only will I save my dear Volkswagen's soul, but I am also going down to part time leaving me PLENTY of time for my baby, and photography. I could not be more exited.

Another update: we are now building our house. Lyle and I are building a brand new home on our lot in town. *sigh*.

This weekend was super busy! Wedding rehearsal Friday, wedding on Saturday, and the Tubbs family on Sunday. The best kind of busy ever. When I find the time (next week!) I will post more photo's, but as usual, here's your little 'tease'.

Ok, the tab isn't working. Lets try another post...

Friday, September 11, 2009

totally rad...actions.

Today, I downloaded Totally Rad Actions and COULD NOT be more satisfied. Good change I just cut my editing time in half. YAYY. Here's a preview..
I always have the best of intentions, but my blogging seems to fall short so I'll leave you with these stunning little numbers:

Thursday, September 3, 2009

more, and more.

here are a few more. for the heck of it.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

seniors, ahoy!

I'm working an awful lot right now, and not on the things I would like to be doing. I have however managed to sneak a few seniors in here and there.