black and white+ear muffs+snow+pearl necklace=WINTER.
Monday, December 14, 2009
warning: no content.
I have come to the decision that even if I have nothing of any value worth writing about, I will at least post one photo. I decided this because I want to post this adorable photo of my sister but have nothing of any substance worth writing about so.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
another senior set.
Is it just me, or does winter look better in black and white?
Also, is it just me, or does she not remind you of Amanda Seyfriend? Beautiful.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
clocks, shmocks.
Although this post has nothing to do with schmocks (mostly because they are nonexistent), it makes me laugh hysterically. Lyle (fiance) insists, even after I have absolutely proved him wrong, that smock (as in an apron you may wear to work) is pronounced shmock.
That's beside the point. My point is, that after since my house incident, I have had to buy everything brand new. Great, right? WRONG. The things I had in that house took all of the 4 years to gather. Having to buy things immediately takes away from the whole idea. The things we have now are great, yes, but they were impulse buys. Things that we needed, and had to buy immediately without getting to hunt, and find things that really suited our needs (cosmetically of course).
The one and only thing that I have had luck finding is clocks. I found our first clock, loved it, bought it. Very well, only days later I would find a clock that I liked better, and instinctively, bought that one as well. Needless to say, I now own about 5 clocks all of which I adore and could never part from. So, I have decided that when our house is finished I am going to make a wall of clocks. I realize how difficult this will be to maintain (batteries, corresponding times, yadda blah) but I love them all, and when I find one I love, I can't help but buy it.
I just wanted to share that, because I just bought another. I will post photo's soon of my collection thus far. That was pointless.
That's beside the point. My point is, that after since my house incident, I have had to buy everything brand new. Great, right? WRONG. The things I had in that house took all of the 4 years to gather. Having to buy things immediately takes away from the whole idea. The things we have now are great, yes, but they were impulse buys. Things that we needed, and had to buy immediately without getting to hunt, and find things that really suited our needs (cosmetically of course).
The one and only thing that I have had luck finding is clocks. I found our first clock, loved it, bought it. Very well, only days later I would find a clock that I liked better, and instinctively, bought that one as well. Needless to say, I now own about 5 clocks all of which I adore and could never part from. So, I have decided that when our house is finished I am going to make a wall of clocks. I realize how difficult this will be to maintain (batteries, corresponding times, yadda blah) but I love them all, and when I find one I love, I can't help but buy it.
I just wanted to share that, because I just bought another. I will post photo's soon of my collection thus far. That was pointless.
As usual, I was stalking other photographers (both professional and aspiring) and came to two realizations.
1. Good editing goes a long way. This, I noticed, was more of an issue with aspiring photographers. Pictures that would have been excellent photos were turned into some sort of mess during the editing process. I say this in no disrespect, because everyone has their own taste, and I'm certain that someone looked at these photo's and said 'I love what he/she did with the coloring', but maybe it just isn't my cup of tea. My biggest thing is to find a style, and stick with it.
Some photographers lean towards the vintage, aged feel, which I love when done right, and stay there. The client then at least has an idea as to what the final product is going to feel like. When photographers are all over the drawing board with some grunge, and some clean, some vintage, and then of course, my least favorite 'mistake' made in editing: increased threshold. AHHH. Seriously, yikes. I took the honors of editing one of my photo's to oblivion.
Now, as 'cool' as some people might think it is, I (and I may stand alone in saying) think that photo's like this forget their main objective. As a photographer, our job is to help capture memories, and you're average customer is not going to me interested in hanging a photo with harsh lines, and bad coloring, above their mantle.
The reason for today's attack on innocent photographers just trying to express their personal creativity? A bad engagement photo in the local newspaper. Honestly, as much as I despise the editing in color, PLEASE imagine it on newsprint. Sigh.
I am now going to go on the defense in saying that this is not always a mistake. If the customer prefers a more 'edgy' photo, then so be it! My complaint isn't speaking for the population, it's just me, sitting here in front of my computer after a rough nights sleep and having to look at a poorly edited engagement photo in the newspaper. That's all!
If you are reading this saying, 'over half of my photo's look much like the one above', than my apologies to you.
My second note is much more upbeat.
2. Even looking at established photographers, I love seeing how their personal style grows. If you look at photo's from even a year ago, there is such an immense difference! And its strange because looking at the photo's from before don't appear to be 'bad' by any means, but as you follow that time line you see things improve and their eye come out more.
It makes me personally realize how much further I have to go. I'm more than happy with the work I am currently doing, and the finished product, but I can't wait to evolve and TRULY come into my own as a photographer. If I go back to photo's that I took and gave to clients 2 years ago, I can't help but to think, ' oh man, I should have done this or that'. I'm still happy with the outcome of course, but growing and seeing things differently now definitely makes a difference on the way I work.
Well, that was fun and offending, huh?
1. Good editing goes a long way. This, I noticed, was more of an issue with aspiring photographers. Pictures that would have been excellent photos were turned into some sort of mess during the editing process. I say this in no disrespect, because everyone has their own taste, and I'm certain that someone looked at these photo's and said 'I love what he/she did with the coloring', but maybe it just isn't my cup of tea. My biggest thing is to find a style, and stick with it.
Some photographers lean towards the vintage, aged feel, which I love when done right, and stay there. The client then at least has an idea as to what the final product is going to feel like. When photographers are all over the drawing board with some grunge, and some clean, some vintage, and then of course, my least favorite 'mistake' made in editing: increased threshold. AHHH. Seriously, yikes. I took the honors of editing one of my photo's to oblivion.
The reason for today's attack on innocent photographers just trying to express their personal creativity? A bad engagement photo in the local newspaper. Honestly, as much as I despise the editing in color, PLEASE imagine it on newsprint. Sigh.
I am now going to go on the defense in saying that this is not always a mistake. If the customer prefers a more 'edgy' photo, then so be it! My complaint isn't speaking for the population, it's just me, sitting here in front of my computer after a rough nights sleep and having to look at a poorly edited engagement photo in the newspaper. That's all!
If you are reading this saying, 'over half of my photo's look much like the one above', than my apologies to you.
My second note is much more upbeat.
2. Even looking at established photographers, I love seeing how their personal style grows. If you look at photo's from even a year ago, there is such an immense difference! And its strange because looking at the photo's from before don't appear to be 'bad' by any means, but as you follow that time line you see things improve and their eye come out more.
It makes me personally realize how much further I have to go. I'm more than happy with the work I am currently doing, and the finished product, but I can't wait to evolve and TRULY come into my own as a photographer. If I go back to photo's that I took and gave to clients 2 years ago, I can't help but to think, ' oh man, I should have done this or that'. I'm still happy with the outcome of course, but growing and seeing things differently now definitely makes a difference on the way I work.
Well, that was fun and offending, huh?
Friday, November 27, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!!..yesterday..
I hope you all stuffed yourself into oblivion and enjoyed the company of loved ones. I have soooo much to be grateful for this year, I honestly would not know where to begin. But I will attempt.
1. My beautiful son, 2. supportive and loving family, 3. (as much as I may complain) my job, 4. my working vehicle, 5. the snow (it wouldn't feel like Thanksgiving without it), 5. my health. 6. my new home (which is coming along beautifully), 7....everything. I am honestly grateful for all things, good and bad, that I have experience in my lifetime (all 22 years)...speaking of, yours truly has a birthday coming up. The big two-three.
Wedding plans are coming along fabulously. We are currently planning a June wedding (exact date soon to come), at Whispering Pines Resort. The way I see it: Sparklers and margarita's, campfire and s'mores. Mmmm, can't wait. I found my dress on Monday. I want soooooooo badly to show everyone, but my Mother isn't allowing me to have any photo's of the dress. She is convinced I will show Lyle. Truth be told, I went online trying to find it, and had I found it, I would have shown him.
I cannot keep secrets, gifts, or money in my pocket for too long. Bottom line. Things burn. All things that you are supposed to keep to yourself, I want to give to EVERYONE right NOW. It's my nature.
Unnessicary ramblings? I must be tired. :)
1. My beautiful son, 2. supportive and loving family, 3. (as much as I may complain) my job, 4. my working vehicle, 5. the snow (it wouldn't feel like Thanksgiving without it), 5. my health. 6. my new home (which is coming along beautifully), 7....everything. I am honestly grateful for all things, good and bad, that I have experience in my lifetime (all 22 years)...speaking of, yours truly has a birthday coming up. The big two-three.
Wedding plans are coming along fabulously. We are currently planning a June wedding (exact date soon to come), at Whispering Pines Resort. The way I see it: Sparklers and margarita's, campfire and s'mores. Mmmm, can't wait. I found my dress on Monday. I want soooooooo badly to show everyone, but my Mother isn't allowing me to have any photo's of the dress. She is convinced I will show Lyle. Truth be told, I went online trying to find it, and had I found it, I would have shown him.
I cannot keep secrets, gifts, or money in my pocket for too long. Bottom line. Things burn. All things that you are supposed to keep to yourself, I want to give to EVERYONE right NOW. It's my nature.
Unnessicary ramblings? I must be tired. :)
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
the fifth season.
Northern Michigan gives you multiple reasons to complain. 1] Summers don't feel nearly as warm as they should and 2] Winters feel far colder than nature intended. This year however, we sit in mid-November with no snow and 50 degree weather. This time of year we are usually up to our necks in snow (literally, our necks). Perhaps Al Gore is onto something...
Not that I am complaining. This newly developed 5th season is giving me a chance to do portraits in this usually sllllow business season. Today I had the pleasure of photographing a family who's wedding I am doing this May. Sneaky Peeky? You talked me into it...

Not that I am complaining. This newly developed 5th season is giving me a chance to do portraits in this usually sllllow business season. Today I had the pleasure of photographing a family who's wedding I am doing this May. Sneaky Peeky? You talked me into it...
Monday, November 16, 2009
My hours at work were recently cut. Therefore, I will now have more time to focus on photography. The issue? It hhhhhas to be done. When I enjoy doing something, it gets done. When there is something depending on it...I tend to procrastinate. So, I have spent the day working on flyers, or postcards or what have you--and THIS is all I managed to do. Well, I don't work until Thursday, so...I'll have plenty of time...right?

Thursday, November 12, 2009
always apologizing...

I know, I know. One excuse after another as to why I haven't posted, but HONESTLY!
I am now engaged (YAYYY), my house is ready for drywall (YAYYYY), and I started a new job.
And now wedding details. Given that I am a total blog stalker anyhow, I have now accumulated a large file devoted to wedding inspiration. Favorite blogs you ask?, and of course!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
great news.
I am beginning to feel as though things are coming together (knock on wood) for the first time in a long time. As of Monday, I begin a new job (as a pharmacy technician) at Walgreen's right here in Gaylord (fyi, the last year plus I have been driving an hour one way to work a nine hour day to Boyne Not only will I save my dear Volkswagen's soul, but I am also going down to part time leaving me PLENTY of time for my baby, and photography. I could not be more exited.
Another update: we are now building our house. Lyle and I are building a brand new home on our lot in town. *sigh*.
This weekend was super busy! Wedding rehearsal Friday, wedding on Saturday, and the Tubbs family on Sunday. The best kind of busy ever. When I find the time (next week!) I will post more photo's, but as usual, here's your little 'tease'.
Ok, the tab isn't working. Lets try another post...
Another update: we are now building our house. Lyle and I are building a brand new home on our lot in town. *sigh*.
This weekend was super busy! Wedding rehearsal Friday, wedding on Saturday, and the Tubbs family on Sunday. The best kind of busy ever. When I find the time (next week!) I will post more photo's, but as usual, here's your little 'tease'.
Ok, the tab isn't working. Lets try another post...
Friday, September 11, 2009
totally rad...actions.
Today, I downloaded Totally Rad Actions and COULD NOT be more satisfied. Good change I just cut my editing time in half. YAYY. Here's a preview..
I always have the best of intentions, but my blogging seems to fall short so I'll leave you with these stunning little numbers:


I always have the best of intentions, but my blogging seems to fall short so I'll leave you with these stunning little numbers:

Thursday, September 3, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
seniors, ahoy!
Friday, July 10, 2009
decided i can't sleep.
'tis the season.
Christmas in July. Lyle and I just put an offer down on a beautiful old country house in downtown Gaylord, Michigan. If I weren't a (self-proclaimed) photographer, I would be a (self-proclaimed) interior designer. I could not be more ecstatic. A house, and enough weddings, seniors, and families to keep me happy for a while.
I try not to 'jinx' myself, because I have a history of bad luck, but I feel confident about this. All of it.
So now I am going to hit you up with some low quality 'before' pictures of our future (two weeks, God willing) home:

I try not to 'jinx' myself, because I have a history of bad luck, but I feel confident about this. All of it.
So now I am going to hit you up with some low quality 'before' pictures of our future (two weeks, God willing) home:
please note that we have never had a walk-in closet let alone 'his and hers'
Ok, that 'tis all for this evening, its late and I have a wedding in the morning. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Noah Stanek. Photo's soon to follow.
Have a good weekend, and may the weather be in our favor. Good night!
Have a good weekend, and may the weather be in our favor. Good night!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
someone has the day off....
long lost cheeto.
creepy friends
I must have jinxed it for at least one of two reasons. a.] I have the day off (why wouldn't it rain?) or b.] i made a comment about the wonderful weather. Needless to say, I can be blamed for the rain we are experiencing today.
Baby J left his 'flippy floppies' outside last night and was absolutely disgusted at what he found crawling on them.

"A slug and two caterpillar friends" He was not impressed.Ah, the joys of northern Michigan.
Baby J left his 'flippy floppies' outside last night and was absolutely disgusted at what he found crawling on them.

"A slug and two caterpillar friends" He was not impressed.Ah, the joys of northern Michigan.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Vedding Season finally upon us. YAY! And the weather is cooperating for the first time in a long time.
REMEMBER: Dates are filling up fast, so be sure to arrange your session STAT.
989-350-4831, or email at
Also, until July 15th, all scheduled sessions for seniors and engagements will include 50% off sitting fee and a free 8X10 portrait of your choice.
REMEMBER: Dates are filling up fast, so be sure to arrange your session STAT.
989-350-4831, or email at
Also, until July 15th, all scheduled sessions for seniors and engagements will include 50% off sitting fee and a free 8X10 portrait of your choice.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
ann arbor
I write today from Ann Arbor, MI. Mothers surgery was today, so we spent 12 hours (AHH) in a family waiting room with my two wonderful sisters. I must admit that we didn't sit the whole time. Coming from a small town, we were quite entertained by the escalator. Serious. We rode it (as though it were a roller coaster) until Nicole made a mad dash for the womens bathroom.
Mom's surgery went well, and we are very grateful. Thanks to everyone for their prayers and support.
So that we can put names with faces here, I'll introduce you. Meet Nicole.

Ok, and as promised here are a few more of Whitney and Matt's engagement photo's.

Ok, I lied. I don't have access to all of them, so thats all you get. Buuuuut...
I'M WORKING ON IT. Enjoy your evening and the rest of your weekend. We need sleep.
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