Wednesday, December 2, 2009


As usual, I was stalking other photographers (both professional and aspiring) and came to two realizations.

1. Good editing goes a long way. This, I noticed, was more of an issue with aspiring photographers. Pictures that would have been excellent photos were turned into some sort of mess during the editing process. I say this in no disrespect, because everyone has their own taste, and I'm certain that someone looked at these photo's and said 'I love what he/she did with the coloring', but maybe it just isn't my cup of tea. My biggest thing is to find a style, and stick with it.

Some photographers lean towards the vintage, aged feel, which I love when done right, and stay there. The client then at least has an idea as to what the final product is going to feel like. When photographers are all over the drawing board with some grunge, and some clean, some vintage, and then of course, my least favorite 'mistake' made in editing: increased threshold. AHHH. Seriously, yikes. I took the honors of editing one of my photo's to oblivion.
Now, as 'cool' as some people might think it is, I (and I may stand alone in saying) think that photo's like this forget their main objective. As a photographer, our job is to help capture memories, and you're average customer is not going to me interested in hanging a photo with harsh lines, and bad coloring, above their mantle.

The reason for today's attack on innocent photographers just trying to express their personal creativity? A bad engagement photo in the local newspaper. Honestly, as much as I despise the editing in color, PLEASE imagine it on newsprint. Sigh.

I am now going to go on the defense in saying that this is not always a mistake. If the customer prefers a more 'edgy' photo, then so be it! My complaint isn't speaking for the population, it's just me, sitting here in front of my computer after a rough nights sleep and having to look at a poorly edited engagement photo in the newspaper. That's all!

If you are reading this saying, 'over half of my photo's look much like the one above', than my apologies to you.

My second note is much more upbeat.

2. Even looking at established photographers, I love seeing how their personal style grows. If you look at photo's from even a year ago, there is such an immense difference! And its strange because looking at the photo's from before don't appear to be 'bad' by any means, but as you follow that time line you see things improve and their eye come out more.

It makes me personally realize how much further I have to go. I'm more than happy with the work I am currently doing, and the finished product, but I can't wait to evolve and TRULY come into my own as a photographer. If I go back to photo's that I took and gave to clients 2 years ago, I can't help but to think, ' oh man, I should have done this or that'. I'm still happy with the outcome of course, but growing and seeing things differently now definitely makes a difference on the way I work.

Well, that was fun and offending, huh?

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